
MANE-002 IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

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MANE 002 : Human Growth and Development

Course Code: MANE 002

Assignment Code: MANE 002/AST/TMA/2024-25


MANE 002 : Human Growth and Development

Course Code: MANE 002

Assignment Code: MANE 002/AST/TMA/2024-25

Note: There are two sections ‘A’ and ‘B’. Attempt any five questions in total and at least two questions, from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

Section A

1.Discuss in brief malnutrition .              

2.Explain basic principles of growth.                    

3.Briefly discuss the contribution by Sheldon.                 

4.Describe the environmental factors affecting growth.                             

5.Define and differentiate between any two of the following:                  

a)Dietary history

b)Negative secular trend and Positive secular trend

c)Distance curve and velocity curve

Section II

6.Enlist the methods of studying growth and describe any one of them.             

7.Briefly explain body composition in context of different racial groups.           

8.Describe in brief prenatal growth.     

9.Discuss Theories of  ageing.   

10.Write short notes on any two of the following:

a)Basic principles of growth

b)Recommended dietary allowance

c)Purpose and use of somatotyping


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