
MLI-102 IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25 English Medium

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MLI-102 IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25 English Medium Available

MLI-102 : Management of Library and Information Centres

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1.1 Categories electronic sources of information and discuss their usefulness in present day



1.2 Define library network. Mention objectives, functions and activities of INFLIBNET.

2.1 Discuss the objectives, functions and role of an Information System.


2.2 Who do you understand by Library and Information Professionals (LIS)? Discuss the

various categories of LIS professionals.

3.1 Explain different component of mass media as sources of information. Discuss the

functions of different categories of persons involved therein.


3.2 What is citation analysis? Discuss the different types of citation indexes.

4.1 Who are ‘Information Gatherers’? Describe their types and functions.


4.2 Discuss the role of NISAIR (now NIScPR) in providing information services to users.

5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following:

  1. Internet as an aid to information services
  2. J-Gate
  3. IFLA
  4. Cyber media


MLI-102 IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25 English Medium Available


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