
MPC-001 MAPC IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

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Section – A

Answer the following questions

1.Describe the stage model of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin.

2.Describe the different domains of cognitive psychology. Highlight the key issues in the study of cognitive psychology.

3.Explain the stages and strategies of problem solving.

Section – B

Answer the following questions

4.Describe the Connectionist model of memory by Rumelhart ad McClelland.

5.Describe the aspects and stages of creativity.

6.Discuss Guilford’s structure-of-intellect theory.

7.Describe Spearman’s two-factor theory of intelligence.

8.Describe the environmental and cultural blocks to problem solving.


Section – C

Answer the following questions

9.Levels-of-processing model

10.Hebb’s Law

11.Role of hippocampus in memory

12.Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain

13.Principles of the information processing

14.Well-defined and Ill-defined problems

15.Relationship between creativity and intelligence

16.Benefits of multilingualism

17.Phonemes and morphemes

18.Problem space hypothesis


MPC-001 MAPC IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25 Available

MPC-001 : Cognitive Psychology, Learning And Memory

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Assignment Code: MPC-001/ASST/TMA/2024-25


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